In Common | Share Kai
Share Kai front image
Share Kai is a collaboration between InCommon and Mahia Te Aroha using food as a gentle entry point into what can become deep, important and identity-level conversations.

Share Kai events make space for everyone around the table and explore memories of kai and themes of culture, belonging and diversity.

Visit our website ShareKai for more about our kaupapa, upcoming events and to order Share Kai catering.

We hope you’ll join us to share kai and kōrero!

15 March Coronial Inquiry - Ways to Show Support

The coronial inquiry into the 15 March 2019 Ōtautahi Christchurch Masjidain Attacks begins on October 24 and will continue for up to 8 weeks.

Share Kai and Kōrero Kaiapoi

Share Kai and Kōrero is back with a series of relaxed spring dinners in Kaiapoi Oct 27 - Nov 10!

Share Kai and Kōrero is popping back up in July!

We’re excited to be partnering with Kohinga – St Albans Community Centre to bring you a series of cozy winter brunches on Saturdays in July.

Share Kai hui – Unity Week at Your Workplace

Unity Week – Te Wiki Kotahitanga 2023 March 15 – 21.

Share Kai and Kōrero Pop-Up Events - The Stanmore Corner Project

Our first round of pop-up events, testing a new way of bringing people together over tasty food that showcases the rich cultural diversity of our city, is now complete.

Inclusivity on Campus – An Ara InCommon Collaboration

In October 2022 InCommon and Ara launched a series of four posters that highlight the commonalities between Ara Institute of Canterbury students with, and without, disabilities.

Co-Designing with Tamariki, for Tamariki

In term 3, 2022, InCommon joined forces with a group of year 7 and 8 tamariki and their kaiako/teacher at Te Kura o Ōpāwaho/Opawa School in Ōtautahi Christchurch to co-design an activity that nudges tamariki to explore what they have in common with each other.

Share Kai - Share Cooking Sessions

Interested in forming deeper connections with people from different backgrounds, and learning more about each other and our cultures, through beloved recipes?

Share Kai and Kōrero Eritrean Cooks Excite Tastebuds

Our second Share Kai and Kōrero event last weekend was a magical evening and has given us the last boost of energy we needed to get across the finish line of 2022.

Share Kai and Kōrero Nepali Cooks Wow Diners

Earlier in 2022, we introduced Share Kai, a collaboration between between InCommon and Mahia Te Aroha that uses food to bring people together.

Getting Started with InCommon

Not sure about what to say to someone new? Check out these ideas.

Support The Campaign

We'd love your help to share the word and encourage others towards new friendships. Here are a few ideas on how you can get involved and make a difference.

InCommon Loves...

Dig a little deeper into the core themes behind InCommon and extend your cultural learning with these awesome articles, websites, podcasts, books and shows.

Nibal & Sal

Starting off as neighbours, their relationship turned into so much more after the mosques tragedy.

Murray & Sam

A bond strengthened through decades of helping others, connecting cultures, and the odd joke!

Cassandra and Wossen

A love of fashion and "everything that smells nice" quickly deepened into common ground.