In Common | Nibal & Sal
Nibal & Sal
Starting off as neighbours, their relationship turned into so much more after the mosques tragedy.

Nibal says….

Sal is a true friend who has stood beside me unconditionally, especially through the tragedy of 15 March 2019, when we lost my brother-in-law and mother-in-law. Sal made our tragedy her own, she made her home our home, and showed us kindness and support in what was the most difficult time of my life.

Because of this, our bonds of friendship are even stronger now. Sal, I am so grateful for you -- thank you for being a family for me when my own family is mostly overseas. Our friendship lives deep in my heart.

Sal says…

I met my lovely neighbour Nibal a few years ago when she invited a group of neighbours for a morning tea and provided the most delicious food! Food is an interest we both share and it brought us together lots in the early days.

When the mosque tragedy happened, I was broken-hearted for Nibal and her family. All I could do was just try to be there for her, whenever she needed me, but I knew that even that may not be enough to heal the deep sorrow in her family’s life.

Our friendship has grown since then and we really enjoy going for walks, catching up with other mutual friends and chatting over a cuppa. She is such a warm, funny, generous person, a fabulous mum to two wonderful girls and a friend who I know is there for me. I am so lucky and grateful to have her living next door.